Ship Registration
Registration Procedures
Find below the required application documents for the Regular Registration of a vessel under Togo Flag:
- Application form for ship registration
- Application form for CSR
- Application form for ship station license
- Application form for minimum safe manning
- Application form for CSO
- Application for SMA signed by both parties
- Application for the DMLC-Part I
- Copy of applicant’s passport
- Notarized declaration of ownership (in case owners will remain same)
- Copy of notarized bill of sale (BOS) (in case of new ownership)
- Copy of the LEGALIZED Power of Attorney for the person in charges to sign the Bill of sale (sellers part)
- Confirmation by the radio accounting authority (member of ITU)
- Copy of an updated good standing certificate of the owning company
- Passport copy or ID copy of the shareholders
- Readable copy of all previous flag certificates including: registry, radio station license, minimum safe manning, continuous synopsis record, cargo ship safety radio, class, statutory/ism/isps
- A readable copy of itc certificate (for the issuance of new certificate under togo flag)
- Copy of an updated non-encumbrance certificate from the existing registry (not exeeding 7 days)
- Copy of the Notarized undertaking letter by owners (not to call North Korea, Northern Cyprus, Crimea)
Find below the required application documents for the Permanent Registration of a vessel under Togo Flag:
- All ORIGINAL (x 7) application forms signed and stamped
- ORIGINAL Deletion Certificate from the previous Registry, (not required for new vessels) duly authenticated to evidence the effect that the previous registry has been cancelled or closed
- Copy of Last CSR issued with the Deletion Certificate in order to proceed with the new CSR (bearing in mind that no CSR certificate can be issued without IMO ID for the registered owners co +management co)
- Original Declaration of ownership filled, signed, stamped and notarized (in case owners will remain the same)
- ORIGINAL NOTARIZED Bill of Sale (in case of new ownership)
- ORIGINAL LEGALIZED Power of Attorney for the person in charges to sign the Bill of sale (sellers part)
- Valid Class & Statutory/ISM/ISPS certificates issued by R.O. under Togo flag
- Original Radio Installation Inspection Report filled and stamped by Classification Surveyor
- Original Ship’s Carving and Marking Note filled and stamped by Classification Surveyor
- Original application form for statement of vessel’s condition (for vessel’s over 20 years) filled and stamped by Classification Surveyor
- Original Notarized undertaking letter by owners (not to call North Korea, Northern Cyprus, Crimea)
For Delivery Voyage And Scrap Registration, find below the required application documents for the Special Registration of a vessel under Togo Flag:
- Application form for ship registration
- Application form for CSR
- Application form for ship station license
- Application form for minimum safe manning
- Application form for CSO
- Application for SMA signed by both parties (see attached)
- Notarized declaration of ownership (in case owners will remain same)
- Copy of applicant’s passport
- Confirmation by the radio accounting authority (member of ITU)
- Copy of an updated good standing certificate of the owning company
- Copy of notarized bill of sale (in case of new ownership)
- Readable copy of all previous flag certificates including: registry, radio station license, minimum safe manning, continuous synopsis record, cargo ship safety radio, class, statutory/ism/isps
- A readable copy of ITC certificate (for the issuance of new certificate under Togo flag)
- Copy of an updated non-encumbrance certificate from the existing registry (not to exeed 7days)
- Copy of the Notarized undertaking letter by owners (not to call North Korea, Northern Cyprus, Crimea)
Find below the required application documents for the Bareboat IN Registration of a vessel under Togo Flag:
- Application forms filled in and signed (registration,CSR,SMA,CSO,MSM,RSL)
- NE certificate from the foreign registry
- Certificate of Good Standing of the Bareboat Charterers
- Copy of the Bareboat Charter Party (NOTARIZED)
- Written consent from the foreign registry for the vessel to fly the flag of Togo mentioning the Bareboat Charter period
- Written consent from the mortgagees (if applicable)
- A.A.I.C. confirmation that they will be responsible for the radio traffic account
- Applicant’s passport copy
- Readable copy of the current REG/MSM/RSL/ITC certs
- Copy of the Notarized undertaking letter by owners (not to call North Korea, Northern Cyprus, Crimea)
Find below the required application documents for the Provisional Mortgage Registration of a vessel under Togo Flag:
- Copy of Mortgage Registration Deed (mortgage registration application form) signed by owners and bank only firstly
- Copy of Mortgage Contract including loan agreement between mortgagor and mortgagee, signed by owners and bank only firstly
- copy of Undertaking Letter from Owners that all requested Original Notarized documents must be submitted to us as below, within a period not exceeding 45 days
For Permanent Mortgage Registration, the following documents are required:
- ORIGINAL Notarized Mortgage Registration Deed (mortgage registration application form) (3) sets
(In mortgage registration deed, mortgager’s full name/signature/position/seal should be exactly indicated)
- ORIGINAL Notarized Mortgage Contract (including notarized loan agreement)* between mortgagor and mortgagee: (3) sets should be notarized from both sides of mortgagor and mortgagee.
In signature part & notarization part, PIC’s Name, Position & Company name (of both mortgager & mortgagee) in full should be exactly indicated.
Application Forms
- Application Form for Ship Registration
- Application Form for CSR
- Application Form for Ship Radio Station License
- Application Form for Minimum Safe Manning
- Declaration of CSO
- Safe Management Agreement
- Declaration of Ownership
- Radio Installation Inspection Report
- Application Form for DMLC-Part I
- Application Form for Deletion
- Owner's Declaration
- Mortgage Registration
- Statement of Vessel's Conditions
- Discharge or Transfer of Mortgage Registration
- Ship's Carving and Marking Note
- Bareboat Registration