STCW Procedures

Find below the required application documents for the issuance of an Endorsement Certificate under Togo Flag:

  1. Completed Application form (copy of same is here with attached for your reference)
  2. Copy of valid STCW ’95 appropriate certificate of officer issued by a “white list” administration
  3. Officer’s medical fitness certificate issued the last 12 months the maximum
  4. color photograph by e-mail
  5. Copy of officer’s valid national passport
  6. Copy of officer’s valid seaman passport
  7. Copies of valid basic training certificates (personal survival techniques course, fire prevention and basic fire fighting course, elementary first aid course, personal safety and social responsibilities)
  8. Copy of valid chemical/oil tanker familiarization course (only in case of Chemical/or Oil tanker vessel)

Find below the required application documents for the issuance of an SSO Endorsement Certificate under Togo Flag:

  1. Completed Application form (copy of same is here with attached for your reference)
  2. Valid ship security officer (SSO) training certification copy (in accordance with the Standards of Competence Specified in STCW Code section A-VI/5)
  3. Officer’s medical fitness certificate issued the last 12 months the maximum
  4. Color photograph by e-mail
  5. Copy of officer’s valid national passport
  6. Copy of officer’s valid seaman passport
  7. Copies of valid basic training certificates (personal survival techniques course, fire prevention and basic fire fighting course, elementary first aid course, personal safety and social responsibilities)