STCW Procedures
Find below the required application documents for the issuance of an Endorsement Certificate under Togo Flag:
- Completed Application form (copy of same is here with attached for your reference)
- Copy of valid STCW ’95 appropriate certificate of officer issued by a “white list” administration
- Officer’s medical fitness certificate issued the last 12 months the maximum
- color photograph by e-mail
- Copy of officer’s valid national passport
- Copy of officer’s valid seaman passport
- Copies of valid basic training certificates (personal survival techniques course, fire prevention and basic fire fighting course, elementary first aid course, personal safety and social responsibilities)
- Copy of valid chemical/oil tanker familiarization course (only in case of Chemical/or Oil tanker vessel)
Find below the required application documents for the issuance of an SSO Endorsement Certificate under Togo Flag:
- Completed Application form (copy of same is here with attached for your reference)
- Valid ship security officer (SSO) training certification copy (in accordance with the Standards of Competence Specified in STCW Code section A-VI/5)
- Officer’s medical fitness certificate issued the last 12 months the maximum
- Color photograph by e-mail
- Copy of officer’s valid national passport
- Copy of officer’s valid seaman passport
- Copies of valid basic training certificates (personal survival techniques course, fire prevention and basic fire fighting course, elementary first aid course, personal safety and social responsibilities)